24.02.2022 (Thursday)

Celestial OPE from twistor strings

Regular Seminar Eduardo Casali (Harvard)

14:00 QMUL
room zoom

Celestial conformal field theory (CCFT) is a conjectured theory living on the celestial sphere of the asymptotic boundary of Minkowski. In analogy to the usual AdS/CFT dictionary, CCFTs would be dual to gravitational theories in the bulk, with bulk scattering amplitudes being dual to correlation functions on the celestial sphere. OPE coefficients are basic building blocks of CFTs which should also have an analogue in CCFTs. It has been shown that CCFT OPEs can be extracted from amplitudes with appropriate wavefunctions for external states, but there's still no direct computation using the CCFT itself since we lack a first principles definition. I will talk about recent work I have done computing these OPEs directly by using twistor strings, circumventing the issue of the target space theory. I will show how the worldsheet CFT of the twistor string gives a realization of the algebra of operators of the CCFT, reproducing the known leading OPE terms, as well as how it can be used to compute further regular terms in the OPE, beyond what is currently known. As a bonus, the worldsheet OPE also organizes the spectrum naturally in terms of the infinite dimensional symmetry algebras of CCFTs. [for zoom link please contact h(dot)jiang(at)qmul(dot)ac(dot)uk]