12.05.2022 (Thursday)

Tenfold Way for Holography : AdS/CFT and Beyond

Regular Seminar Vladimir Dobrev (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences)

12:00 QMUL
room Zoom

The main purpose of the present talk is to lay the foundations of generalizing the AdS/CFT (holography) idea beyond the conformal setting, where it is very natural. The main tool is to find suitable realizations of the bulk and boundary via group theory. We use all ten families of classical real semisimple Lie groups G and Lie algebras g. For this are used several group and algebra decompositions: the global Iwasawa decomposition and the local Bruhat and Sekiguchi decomposititions, which we introduce first on easy examples. The same analysis is applied to the exceptional real semisimple Lie algebras. We present the boundary-to-bulk operators first in the Euclidean conformal setting and then outline the various generalizations.