04.10.2022 (Tuesday)

Higher-derivative corrections to the entropy of supersymmetric AdS_5 black holes and their holographic match

Regular Seminar Davide Cassani (University of Padua)

13:30 IC
room H503

The fundamental theory of quantum gravity is expected to manifest itself at low energies via a series of higher-derivative corrections to Einstein’s theory. Holography and supersymmetry are of great help to characterize such corrections in controlled scenarios: through holography, quantum gravity in Anti de Sitter (AdS) space has a rigorous definition in terms of a conformal field theory (CFT), while supersymmetry makes it possible to compute exact observables and make quantitative predictions. In this context, we will illustrate how a CFT generating function known as the superconformal index provides a microscopic explanation of the entropy of five-dimensional supersymmetric black holes in AdS. We will show how this match goes beyond the leading Bekenstein-Hawking term and includes higher-derivative corrections.