13.03.2024 (Wednesday)

The view of a point: Wigner-Inonu contractions and the flat space limit of AdS scattering

Triangular Seminar David Berenstein (UCSB)

15:00 QMUL
room David Sizer Lecture Theatre

I will describe how to consider the flat space limit of scaterig in AdS relative to a point (where sacttering occurs). The kinematics is related to the Wigner-Inonu contraction. In particular, I will discuss how to take the proper limits of wave functions in AdS (times extra dimensions) to understand a notion of in states and out states and how a scattering amplitude should be conceived. This will make use of the embedding formalism, where the description of these wave functions is simple. I will show how these wave functions are related to other constructions in AdS/CFT and suggest how the Mellin parameters of these other setups arise from integral representations of the wave functions in terms of Schwinger parameters.