16.05.2024 (Thursday)

Quantum entanglement and emergent geometry from matrix degrees of freedom

Regular Seminar Masanori Hanada (Queen Mary)

14:00 Other
room LIMS, Royal Institution

For matrix models and QFT, we discuss how holographic emergent geometry appears from matrix degrees of freedom (specifically, adjoint scalars in super Yang-Mills theory) and how operator algebra that describes an arbitrary region of the bulk geometry can be constructed. We pay attention to the subtle difference between the notions of wave packets that describe low-energy excitations: QFT wave packet associated with the spatial dimensions of QFT, matrix wave packet associated with the emergent dimensions from matrix degrees of freedom, and bulk wave packet which is a combination of QFT and matrix wave packets. In QFT, there is an intriguing interplay between QFT wave packet and matrix wave packet that connects quantum entanglement and emergent geometry. We propose that the bulk wave packet is the physical object in QFT that describes the emergent geometry from entanglement. This proposal sets a unified view on two seemingly different mechanisms of holographic emergent geometry: one based on matrix eigenvalues and the other based on quantum entanglement. Further intuition comes from the similarity to traversable wormholes.