
This institute may be found at Strand in Central London, just north of the Thames (map).

Getting to the Strand Campus:

  • By underground

Temple (District and Circle lines): 2 minute walk. Charing Cross (Bakerloo and Northern lines): 10 minute walk, Embankment (District, Circle and Bakerloo lines): 10 minute walk, Waterloo (Jubilee, Northern, Bakerloo, Waterloo & City lines): 12 minute walk, Holborn (Central and Picadilly lines): 12 minute walk,Chancery Lane (Central line): use exit 4 - 15 minute walk.

  • By train

Charing Cross: 9 minute walk. Waterloo: 12 minute walk. Waterloo East: 10 minute walk. Blackfriars: 12 minute walk.

  • By bus

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Seminars at King's College London

Found at least 20 result(s)

28.04.2021 (Wednesday)

Higher-derivative Supergravity and AdS4 Holography

Regular Seminar Valentin Reys (Leuven U.)

13:45 KCL
room Zoom, See abstract

This talk will discuss higher-derivative corrections to four-dimensional gauged supergravity and their holographic implications. After briefly reviewing the construction of N=2 supersymmetric higher-derivative invariants, I will introduce a four-derivative action parameterized by two real constants. In this theory, one can show that the two-derivative solutions are not modified by the higher-derivative corrections. This fact has important consequences for the regularized on-shell action, as well as for the thermodynamics of black hole solutions. Moreover, in the context of AdS4/CFT3 holography, I will explain how our results lead to an explicit expression for subleading corrections in the large-N expansion of supersymmetric partition functions of a large class of dual field theories arising from M2 and M5 branes. [please email for the zoom link]

21.04.2021 (Wednesday)

Current operators in integrable models: Review of recent results

Regular Seminar Balazs Pozsgay (Eotvos Lorand U., Budapest, Inst. Theor. Phys.)

13:45 KCL
room Zoom, See abstract

We review the recent progress regarding current operators in integrable models, focusing especially on integrable spin chains. These operators describe the flow of the conserved charges, and they are important for the construction of Generalized Hydrodynamics. They are also connected to long range deformations and TTbar-like deformations of the spin chains, and also to the theory of factorized correlation functions. We argue that these operators are very special, because their mean values can be computed relatively easily even in nested spin chains. This is rather unique because mean values in nested models are rather difficult to compute for generic operators. We review these various connections and also show how to construct current operators using the Quantum Inverse Scattering Approach, the canonical framework developed by the Leningrad school. [please email for the zoom link]

31.03.2021 (Wednesday)

On QFT in de Sitter

Regular Seminar Victor Gorbenko (Stanford University)

16:00 KCL
room Zoom, See abstract

I will discuss the tools we are developing to calculate correlation functions of primordial inflationary perturbations. In this talk, we will focus on the limit where gravitational excitations are neglected and the cosmological spacetime is assumed to be exactly de Sitter. Even in this simplifying limit, which corresponds to a Quantum Field Theory on a de Sitter background, very few examples of explicit analytic calculations exist and little is known about basic properties of the correlators. I will show that for any dS QFT there exists a theory formulated in a Euclidean Anti-de SItter space and which reproduces all the correlation functions. This leads to major technical simplifications and allows to demonstrate various analytic properties of the cosmological observables. Understanding of these properties has both phenomenological applications in inflation, as well as provides some hints about more fundamental description for cosmological spacetimes. [please email for the zoom link]

24.03.2021 (Wednesday)

3d Large N vector models at the boundary.

Regular Seminar Lorenzo di Pietro (University of Trieste)

13:45 KCL
room Zoom, See abstract

In this talk I will discuss boundary RG flows for a 4d free scalar field coupled to large N vector models on a 3d boundary. These RG flows connect decoupled fixed points with the free and the critical vector model on the boundary, and they enjoy strong-weak dualities. I will also consider adding gauge fields to the setup. [Please email for the zoom link]

10.03.2021 (Wednesday)

The statistical mechanics of near-extremal and near-BPS black holes

Regular Seminar Luca Iliesiu (Stanford University)

13:45 KCL
room Zoom, See abstract

An important open question in black hole thermodynamics is about the existence of a "mass gap" between an extremal black hole and the lightest near-extremal state within a sector of fixed charge. In this talk, I will discuss how to reliably compute the partition function of 4d Reissner-Nordstrom near-extremal black holes at temperature scales comparable to the conjectured gap. I will show that the density of states at fixed charge does not exhibit a gap in the simplest gravitational non-supersymmetric theories; rather, at the expected gap energy scale, we see a continuum of states whose meaning we will extensively discuss. Finally, I will present a similar computation for nearly-BPS black holes in 4d N=2 supergravity. As opposed to their non-supersymmetric counterparts, such black holes do in fact exhibit a gap consistent with various string theory predictions. [please email for the zoom link]

03.03.2021 (Wednesday)

Where is String Theory?

Triangular Seminar Pedro Vieira (Perimeter Institute)

14:30 KCL
room online

The S-matrix bootstrap can be used to carve out the space of physical theories. What can we say about the space of theories of quantum gravity based on this approach? Based on work with Andrea Guerrieri and Joao Penedones. Zoom link: (for password email

03.03.2021 (Wednesday)

Hyperbolic compactification of M-theory and de Sitter quantum gravity

Triangular Seminar Gonzalo Torroba (Centro Atomico Bariloche )

16:30 KCL
room online

In this talk we will present a mechanism for accelerated expansion of the universe in the generic case of negative-curvature compactifications of M-theory, with minimal ingredients. M-theory on a hyperbolic manifold with small closed geodesics supporting Casimir energy, along with a single classical source (7-form flux), contains a 3-term structure for volume stabilization at positive potential energy. We find that a combination of warping and hyperbolic rigidity effects can stabilize the metric and form field. A simple generalization incorporating 4-form flux produces axion monodromy inflation, along with other forms of accelerated expansion. Our approach provides a simple uplift of the large-N M2-brane theory to de Sitter, and introduces new connections between mathematics and the physics of string/M theory compactifications. Zoom link: (for password email

24.02.2021 (Wednesday)

Causal symmetry breaking: from quantum chaos to wormholes

Regular Seminar Julian Sonner (University of Geneva)

13:15 KCL
room Zoom, See abstract

Quantum chaotic systems are often defined via the assertion that their spectral statistics coincides with, or is well approximated by, random matrix theory. In this talk I will explain how the universal content of random matrix theory emerges as the consequence of a simple symmetry-breaking principle and its associated Goldstone modes. This approach gives a natural way to identify wormhole-like correlations, even for individual theories, in particular in theories with gravity duals. I will also discuss how to extend the Goldstone effective-field-theory approach to study operator correlation functions, and explain the relation of the EFT of quantum chaos to the bulk physics of wormhole-like geometries. [Please email for the Zoom link]

17.02.2021 (Wednesday)

Bootstrapping BPS algebras from colored crystals

Regular Seminar Wei Li (Institute of Theoretical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing.)

13:45 KCL
room Zoom, See abstract

I will explain a method of constructing BPS algebras for string theory on generic toric Calabi-Yau threefolds. The approach is a ``bootstrap” method based on the 3D colored crystals that describe BPS states of the system. The resulting algebras are quiver Yangians Y(Q,W) that are associated with the quiver and the superpotential of the theory. [Please email for zoom link]

10.02.2021 (Wednesday)

Adventures in Machine Learning and Theoretical Physics

Regular Seminar Thomas Fischbacher (Google Research)

13:45 KCL
room Zoom, See abstract

Machine Learning has opened many new doors in science across multiple disciplines. Starting from recent work by the speaker and collaborators on in-depth explorations into the vacuum structure of gauged maximal supergravities using Machine Learning Technology, notably Google's TensorFlow library, we subsequently take a broader perspective on what happens when Machine Learning meets Physics. [Please email for the Zoom link]

27.01.2021 (Wednesday)

Derivation of AdS/CFT for Vector Models

Regular Seminar Shai Chester (Weizmann Institute)

13:45 KCL
room Zoom, See abstract

We derive an explicit map between the singlet sector of the free and critical O(N) and U(N) vector models in any spacetime dimension above two and to all orders in 1/N, and a bulk higher spin theory in anti-de Sitter space in one higher dimension. For the boundary theory, we use the bilocal formalism of Jevicki et al to restrict to the singlet sector of the vector model. The bulk theory is defined from the boundary theory via our mapping and is a consistent quantum higher spin theory with a well defined action. Our mapping relates bilocal operators in the boundary theory to higher spin fields in the bulk, while single trace local operators in the boundary theory are related to boundary values of higher spin fields. [Please email for the Zoom link]

20.01.2021 (Wednesday)

Towards all loop supergravity amplitudes

Regular Seminar Agnese Bissi (Uppsala University)

13:45 KCL
room Zoom, See abstract

In this talk I will discuss how to extract the most trascendental piece of the four graviton amplitude in type IIB supergravity on AdS_5 \times S_5 at any loop order, from the dual four point function in N=4 Super Yang Mills. I will describe how to construct this part of the correlator/amplitude and its significance. I will conclude with some open problems and future directions. [Please email for the Zoom link]

16.12.2020 (Wednesday)

Hamiltonian truncation in AdS

Regular Seminar Marco Meineri (CERN)

13:45 KCL
room Zoom

We study quantum field theory in AdS_2 within the framework of Hamiltonian truncation. We start from a solvable theory and we deform the Hamiltonian with an interaction term. We find the spectrum as a function of the coupling, and we aim at connecting the solvable regime with the strongly coupled flat space physics. Hamiltonian truncation in infinite volume presents specific challenges, and special care is needed to recover the physical energy gaps as the cutoff is removed. To this end, we propose a general prescription, we give an argument for its validity and we check it in various examples. [For the link to the Zoom room, please email].

09.12.2020 (Wednesday)

An N=1 Lagrangian for an N=3 SCFT

Regular Seminar Gabi Zafrir (Milan Bicocca U.)

13:45 KCL
room Zoom

Purely N=3 SCFTs are naturally strongly coupled, and expected to not have a Lagrangian description manifesting their N=3 supersymmetry. However, these may be reached through a deformation of a theory preserving less supersymmetry. We shall present a strategy to try to conjecture such models, and exemplify it by presenting an N=1 model conjectured to flow to an N=3 SCFT, deformed by a marginal deformation. We shall also discuss and exemplify how such proposals can be tested. [For the Zoom link please email to]

30.11.2020 (Monday)

Lonti: Conformal blocks in two dimensions

Regular Seminar Gerard Watts (KCL)

10:30 KCL
room Online

This is the live session included as part of the LonTI lecture on Conformal blocks in two dimensions. Please register at to receive joining instructions for this live session which will be held via Zoom.​​Conformal blocks are the building blocks of conformal field theories, the key ingredients of correlation functions and knowledge of these blocks is central to the conformal bootstrap. This lecture covers some general results before quickly specialising to two-dimensions. It discusses the implications of global conformal invariance and then the larger and more constraining Virasoro algebra symmetry. It introduces various methods of calculation including brute force, differential equations, recursion relations and closed formulae - and some aspects of bootstrap techniques.

25.11.2020 (Wednesday)

Multilegs, Superfluids and Semiclassics

Regular Seminar Riccardo Rattazzi (EPFL)

13:15 KCL
room Zoom

Even in weakly coupled QFTs, perturbation theory breaks down when one considers amplitudes with a large number $n$ of legs. The series cleverly organizes as a double expansion in $g^2$ and $g^2n$. I show how the series in $g^2n$ can be fully captured by a semiclassical expansion around a non-trivial solution. Focussing on $U(1)$ symmetric $|\phi|^4$ theory in $4$ and $4-\epsilon$ dimension, I derive explicit and consistent all order results for the anomalous dimension of the complex operator $\phi^n$. When restricting to the Wilson-Fisher fixed point and working on the cylinder, the dominant trajectory is seen to correspond to a superfluid phase for the conserved U(1). This creates a correspondence between, on one side, the spectrum of operators and fusion coefficients and and on the other the spectrum of hydrodynamics modes and their interactions. The results also nicely match Monte Carlo simulations in 3D, compatibly with the stunt of taking $\epsilon=1$. [please email for the Zoom link]

24.11.2020 (Tuesday)

An exact AdS/CFT duality

Colloquium Matthias Gaberdiel (ETH Zurich)

14:30 KCL
room Zoom

The AdS/CFT correspondence relates string theory on an Anti de Sitter (AdS) background to a dual conformal field theory (CFT) living on the boundary of AdS. One promising strategy for how to prove the duality is to consider the `tensionless' limit of string theory in which the dual CFT becomes weakly coupled. For the case of string theory on AdS3 we have recently identified a solvable world-sheet description for this tensionless limit. This opens the way towards proving the AdS/CFT correspondence, at least for this specific set-up. Please contact Dionysios Anninos ( for the zoom link.

23.11.2020 (Monday)

Lonti 2020: Conformal blocks in two dimensions

Regular Seminar Gerard Watts (KCL)

14:00 KCL
room Youtube

​​Conformal blocks are the building blocks of conformal field theories, the key ingredients of correlation functions and knowledge of these blocks is central to the conformal bootstrap. This lecture covers some general results before quickly specialising to two-dimensions. It discusses the implications of global conformal invariance and then the larger and more constraining Virasoro algebra symmetry. It introduces various methods of calculation including brute force, differential equations, recursion relations and closed formulae - and some aspects of bootstrap techniques.

18.11.2020 (Wednesday)

Universes as Bigdata: from Geometry, to Physics, to Machine-Learning

Polygon Seminar Yang-Hui He (City)

13:00 KCL
room Online

We briefly overview how historically string theory led theoretical physics first to algebraic/differential geometry, and then to computational geometry, and now to data science. Using the Calabi-Yau landscape - accumulated by the collaboration of physicists, mathematicians and computer scientists over the last 4 decades - as a starting-point and concrete playground, we then launch to review our recent programme in machine-learning mathematical structures and address the tantalizing question of how AI helps doing mathematics, ranging from geometry, to representation theory, to combinatorics, to number theory. Zoom Link: (contact for password)

11.11.2020 (Wednesday)

The large charge expansion

Regular Seminar Susanne Reffert (University of Bern)

13:45 KCL
room Zoom, See abstract.

In has become clear in recent years that working in sectors of large global charge of strongly coupled and otherwise inaccessible CFTs leads to important simplifications. It is indeed possible to formulate an effective action in which the large charge appears as a control parameter. In this talk, I will explain the basic notions of the large-charge expansion using the simple example of the O(2) model and then generalize to models with a richer structure which showcase other effects. [For the zoom link please email]