Found 6 result(s)

11.05.2006 (Thursday)

The string field theory of a point

Exceptional Seminar R. C. Penner (USC, Los Angeles)

14:00 KCL
room 423

07.02.2006 (Tuesday)

Entanglement in Harmonic Lattice Systems

Regular Seminar Martin B. Plenio (Imperial)

14:00 IC
room 503 Huxley

After a brief introduction to the basic concepts of entanglement in discrete and continuous systems I will outline various results of our recent work in these areas. In particular, I will present a scaling relation for the entanglement of a subsystem with respect to the rest of the lattice in the size of the regions.

23.01.2006 (Monday)

Finite groups with small automorphism group

Regular Seminar Robert A. Wilson (Queen Mary)

14:00 City U.
room CM505

The abstract can be found at

26.01.2005 (Wednesday)

Twisted reflections on twisted SU(2n+1) branes

Informal Seminar Rafal R. Suszek (King's College and Warsaw U.)

14:00 KCL
room 423

Chosen aspects of twisted brane geometry in the Wess-Zumino-Witten models of type A_2n shall be discussed, both classical and stringy, in reference to a class of coideal subalgebras of Drinfel'd-Jimbo quantum groups known as twisted orthogonal quantum groups. An explicit relation between the two families of algebras, together with a realisation of the latter as (twisted) Reflection Equation Algebras shall be invoked to emphasise the role played by them in a compact algebraic description of quantum twisted branes on SU(2n+1) in the framework of R-matrix Reflection Equations and associated quantum group geometries.

11.11.2004 (Thursday)

Black Rings

Regular Seminar Jerome P. Gauntlett (IC)

16:30 IC
room H503

28.07.2004 (Wednesday)

WZW Patterns in Reflection Algebras

Regular Seminar Rafal R. Suszek (King's College London and Warsaw University)

13:15 KCL
room 423

The talk shall present chosen aspects of a compact quantum-algebraic description of D-brane geometry in WZW models, extending beyond the semiclassical approximation of the original fuzzy matrix models. It shall be argued that a class of unital algebras - the so-called Reflection Algebras intimately related to Drinfeld--Jimbo algebras - captures certain essential features of stringy geometries, both untwisted and twisted, in compact WZW models and their (simple current) orbifolds, while giving rise to some well-known, and some less so, noncommutative geometries (e.g. Podles sphere, quantum projective plane).