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  • By underground

Temple (District and Circle lines): 2 minute walk. Charing Cross (Bakerloo and Northern lines): 10 minute walk, Embankment (District, Circle and Bakerloo lines): 10 minute walk, Waterloo (Jubilee, Northern, Bakerloo, Waterloo & City lines): 12 minute walk, Holborn (Central and Picadilly lines): 12 minute walk,Chancery Lane (Central line): use exit 4 - 15 minute walk.

  • By train

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  • By bus

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Seminars at King's College London

Found at least 20 result(s)

24.05.2023 (Wednesday)

Machine Learning and Flows for Lattice QCD

Regular Seminar Sebastien Racaniere (Deepmind)

13:45 KCL
room K0.18

Recently, there have been some very impressive advances in generative models for sound, text and images. In this talk, I will look into applications of generative models to Lattice QCD. The models I will consider are flows, which are families of diffeomorphisms transforming simple base distributions into complicated target distributions. Traditional ML flows are on vector spaces, which is different from our setup where we need to deal with products of SU(N). I will give details on how we built these flows, and explain how known symmetries of LQCD can be incorporated into them.

18.05.2023 (Thursday)

Higgs Workshop: Kinetic Theory of Waves for Turbulent States

Conference Vladimir Rosenhaus (CUNY, Graduate Center)

11:30 KCL
room K6.29 Anatomy Theatre

For a weakly nonlinear classical system, the kinetic equation for waves governs the evolution of the occupation number of a given wavevector. It is like the Boltzmann equation, but for waves instead of particles. As has been known for half a century, in addition to thermal equilibrium, the kinetic equation has another stationary solution: a turbulent state, describing a cascade of energy. Wave turbulence is observed in a wide range of physical contexts, most notably in surface gravity waves in the ocean. Higher order terms in the kinetic equation, going beyond leading order in the nonlinearity, have never been computed. We describe a method, based on quantum field theory, for computing such terms. We show that higher order terms can exhibit UV divergences. We sum the most divergent diagrams (bubble diagrams) to derive a kind of renormalized kinetic equation. Based on 2203.08168, 2212.02555, and work in progress with G. Falkovich. If you are planning to attend, please send and email to or so your name is added to the participants list in order to grant you access to the building.

18.05.2023 (Thursday)

Higgs Workshop: Radiation from Matrices

Conference Bartomeu Fiol (Barcelona)

14:00 KCL
room K6.29 Anatomy Theatre

I give an overview of work characterizing radiation in generic four-dimensional conformal field theories. I argue that for theories with conformal scalars, the radiated energy is not positive definite and the radiated power is not Lorentz invariant. I then determine the coupling dependence of radiation, for N=2 superconformal field theories in the planar limit. This involves a purely combinatorial solution of certain matrix models, in terms of tree graphs. If you are planning to attend, please send and email to or so your name is added to the participants list in order to grant you access to the building.

18.05.2023 (Thursday)

Higgs Workshop: Multiple scales and phase transitions in Large-N expansions and 2d gravity

Conference Ines Aniceto (Southampton)

10:00 KCL
room K6.29 Anatomy Theatre

Matrix models offer non-perturbative descriptions of quantum gravity in simple settings, allowing us to study large-N dualities between gauge and string theories. However, the large-N expansions of matrix models lead to divergent series, only defined as asymptotic series. By fine-tuning the couplings of the matrix model we obtain models of pure gravity coupled to minimal conformal field theories. The free energy for the simplest of these "minimal models" is 2d gravity also admits an asymptotic expansion which formally satisfies the Painlevé I equation. These asymptotic properties are connected to the existence of exponentially small contributions not captured by a perturbative analysis and whose physical interpretation can be elusive. The emerging structure can be accurately described by means of a resurgent transseries, capturing this perturbative/non-perturbative connection and its consequences. This talk will focus on the essential role of this resurgent transseries for the cases of Painlevé I and the quartic matrix model: together with exponentially accurate numerical and summation methods, one can show how to go beyond the asymptotic results and obtain (analytically and numerically) non-perturbative data. If you are planning to attend, please send and email to or so your name is added to the participants list in order to grant you access to the building.

17.05.2023 (Wednesday)

Higgs Workshop: Emergent Ensemble Symmetries in Holography

Conference Jacob Leedom (DESY)

11:30 KCL
room K0.20

Dualities involving ensembles of theories represent a fascinating class of holographic correspondences. The inclusion of wormholes into a theory naturally motivates the study of ensembles, but doing so leads to many puzzles from the viewpoint of string theory. In this talk, I will discuss holographic dualities involving ensembles of 2D Narain conformal field theories. The bulk dual of such an ensemble is an Abelian Chern-Simons theory, but features a sum over 3D geometries. Generalizations of this correspondence lead to emergent ensemble symmetries – global symmetries that appear after averaging over the ensemble and are the vestiges of T-duality in the CFT. These symmetries are intimately related to the anyon data and 0-form symmetries of the bulk Chern-Simons theories. I will also discuss the relation of these emergent global symmetries with recent ideas in quantum gravity, and furthermore generally discuss the role of ensemble averaging in standard holography, the landscape, and the swampland. If you are planning to attend, please send and email to or so your name is added to the participants list in order to grant you access to the building.

17.05.2023 (Wednesday)

Higgs Workshop: TBA

Conference Miguel Paulos (ENS, Paris)

14:30 KCL
room K0.20

TBA. If you are planning to attend, please send and email to or so your name is added to the participants list in order to grant you access to the building.

17.05.2023 (Wednesday)

Higgs Workshop: Black holes and other phases of super Yang-Mills from matrices

Conference Sameer Murthy (King's)

10:00 KCL
room K0.20

The superconformal index of N=4 super Yang-Mills theory on a three-sphere is captured by a unitary matrix model with purely double trace operators in the action. The AdS/CFT correspondence predicts that this index should have exponential growth at large charges and large N, corresponding to the 1/16-BPS black hole (BH) in AdS5. I will show how the matrix model gives rise to this expected BH growth as well as an infinite number of new phases. In particular, I will introduce a deformation of the matrix model which allows us to solve it at large N. The deformation has interesting relations with the Bloch-Wigner dilogarithm, a function introduced by number theorists. I will then show how this matrix model can be expressed in terms of a system of free fermions in a certain ensemble. Integrating out the fermions and averaging over the ensemble leads to a convergent expansion as a series of determinants, showing how giant gravitons in the dual AdS5 are encoded in the gauge theory. . If you are planning to attend, please send and email to or so your name is added to the participants list in order to grant you access to the building.

15.05.2023 (Monday)

Holographic description of code CFTs

Regular Seminar Anatoly Dymarsky (Kentucky)

14:00 KCL
room K6.63

Recently, a relation was introduced connecting codes of various types with the space of abelian (Narain) 2d CFTs. We extend this relation to provide holographic description of code CFTs in terms of abelian Chern-Simons theory in the bulk. For codes over the alphabet Z_p corresponding bulk theory is, schematically, U(1)_p times U(1)_{-p} where p stands for the level. Furthermore, CFT partition function averaged over all code theories for the codes of a given type is holographically given by the Chern-Simons partition function summed over all possible 3d geometries. This provides an explicit and controllable example of holographic correspondence where a finite ensemble of CFTs is dual to "topological/CS gravity" in the bulk. The parameter p controls the size of the ensemble and "how topological" the bulk theory is. Say, for p=1 any given Narain CFT is described holographically in terms of U(1)_1^n times U(1)_{-1}^n Chern-Simons, which does not distinguish between different 3d geometries (and hence can be evaluated on any of them). When p approaches infinity, the ensemble of code theories covers the whole Narain moduli space with the bulk theory becoming "U(1)-gravity" proposed by Maloney-Witten and Afkhami-Jeddi et al.

10.05.2023 (Wednesday)

Localizing information in quantum gravity

Regular Seminar Alex Belin (Milano Bicocca)

13:45 KCL
room K0.18

Locality is a powerful property of quantum field theory and implies that information can be strictly localized in regions of space, and is completely inaccessible from far away. On the other hand, the holographic nature of quantum gravity suggests that the theory is ultimately non-local and that information can never be localized deep inside some spacetime region, but rather is always accessible from the boundary. This is meant to hold as a non-perturbative statement and it remains to be understood whether quantum information can be localized within G_N perturbation theory. In this talk, I will address this problem from the point of view of the AdS/CFT correspondence. I will construct candidate local operators that can be used to localize information deep inside the bulk. They have the following two properties: they act just like standard HKLL operators to leading order at large N, but commute with the CFT Hamiltonian to all orders in 1/N. These operators can only be constructed in a particular class of states which have a large energy variance, for example coherent states corresponding to semi-classical geometries. The interpretation of these operators is that they are dressed with respect to a feature of the state, rather than to the boundary.

08.05.2023 (Monday)


Regular Seminar Nima Lashkari (Purdue)

14:00 KCL
room K6.63

03.05.2023 (Wednesday)

Adventures in Flatland: Quantum Criticality in the 2+1d Thirring Model

Regular Seminar Simon Hands (Liverpool)

13:45 KCL
room K0.18

The Thirring Model is a covariant quantum field theory of interacting fermions, sharing many features in common with effective theories of two-dimensional electronic systems with linear dispersion such as graphene. For a small number of flavors and sufficiently strong interactions the ground state may be disrupted by condensation of particle-hole pairs leading to a quantum critical point. With no small dimensionless parameters in play in this regime the Thirring model is plausibly the simplest theory of fermions requiring a numerical solution. I will review what is currently known focussing on recent simulations employing Domain Wall Fermions (a formulation drawn from state-of-the-art QCD simulation), to faithfully capture the underlying symmetries at the critical point, focussing on the symmetry-breaking transition, the critical flavor number, and the anomalous scaling of the propagating fermion.

26.04.2023 (Wednesday)

Comments on factorisation in JT and 3d gravity

Regular Seminar Joan Simon Soler (Edinburgh)

13:45 KCL
room K-1.14

Using the BF formulation of JT gravity, we will extend the factorisation techniques in BF theory with compact groups to non-compact ones. The Euclidean path integral formulation of these theories provides some locality interpretation of these results in terms of gravitational edge modes. We shall comment on how to extend these ideas to 3d gravity. We will aim to stress differences occurring between gauge and gravity theories already in these low dimensional examples.

05.04.2023 (Wednesday)


Regular Seminar Alexander Zhiboedov (CERN)

13:45 KCL
room K0.16

03.04.2023 (Monday)

Cosmological solutions to the semiclassical Einstein equation with Minkowski-like vacua

Exceptional Seminar Nicolai Rothe (TU Berlin)

13:00 KCL
room K0.18

We will discuss some newly found solutions to the full massless semiclassical Einstein equation (SCE) in a cosmological setting (with Λ=0). After a short introduction to the relevant notions we present the SCE in a particular shape which allows for the construction of certain vacuum states. These states may be viewed as the least possible generalization of the Minkowski vacuum to general (cosmological) space-times. In this setting, solving the SCE breaks down into solving a certain ODE which can be approached numerically and, at least generically, we obtain solutions that well fit physical expectations. Moreover, these solutions indicate dark energy as a quantum effect back-reacting on cosmological metrics and, since in our model m=Λ=0, this may not be traced back to the usual, obvious dark-energy/cosmological constant effect of a quantum field. Also we will shortly discuss some more physical problems that can be solved by our model.

29.03.2023 (Wednesday)

AdS Virasoro-Shapiro from dispersive sum rules and single valued multiple zeta values

Regular Seminar Joao Silva (University of Oxford)

13:45 KCL
room K0.16

We study the four point correlator of the stress-energy tensor in N=4 SYM at leading order in inverse powers of the central charge. This corresponds to the Anti-deSitter version of the Virasoro-Shapiro amplitude. At large t'Hooft coupling lambda, we use dispersive sum rules to relate the Wilson coefficients in a 1/lambda expansion to the OPE data of heavy string operators. Assuming that the Wilson coefficients are in the ring of single valued multiple zeta values (as is expected for closed string amplitudes), we solve the dispersion relations to get the first 1/R^2 correction to the flat space amplitude.

20.03.2023 (Monday)

Computing anomalous dimensions of strongly-coupled CFTs from supergravity

Exceptional Seminar Emanuel Malek (Humboldt)

15:00 KCL
room S-3.18

I will present a powerful new method that for the first time allows us to compute the Kaluza-Klein spectrum of a large class of string theory compactifications, including those arising in maximal gauged supergravities and beyond. This includes geometries with little to no remaining (super-)symmetries, completely inaccessible by previous methods. I will show how these insights can be used to holographically compute the anomalous dimensions of protected and unprotected operators in strongly-coupled CFTs, as well as to study global properties of their conformal manifolds. I will also show how the method can be used to determine the perturbative stability of non-supersymmetric AdS vacua. We will see the importance of higher Kaluza-Klein modes to the physics of string compactifications, e.g. in realising the compactness of moduli spaces, restoring supersymmetry that is lost in a consistent truncation, and in destabilising non-supersymmetric vacua that appear to stable in lower-dimensional supergravities.

08.03.2023 (Wednesday)

Towards Non-perturbative QFT in Infinite Volume: From Time Dependent Observables to Thermalization

Triangular Seminar Emanuel Katz (Boston)

16:30 KCL
room K6.29 Anatomy Theatre

I will describe progress in formulating and solving QFT non-perturbatively in the infinite volume limit using Hamiltonian Truncation. I will present new results for time-dependent observables in a certain class of both Lagrangian and non-Lagrangian theories in 1+1d. I will also present our study of chaos and thermalization for a scalar theory, where we test the Eigenstate Thermalization Hypothesis (ETH). While we do find results which are broadly consistent with ETH, at weak coupling we also find a set of “scar” states, which do not satisfy Random Matrix Statistics, and which can be distinguished from the rest of the thermal states by the expectation value of local operators.

08.03.2023 (Wednesday)

Symmetries of TTbar-deformed CFTs and their holographic avatars

Triangular Seminar Monica Guica (IPhT, Saclay)

15:00 KCL
room K6.29 Anatomy Theatre

I will discuss the classical and quantum symmetries of TTbar-deformed CFTs and their manifestations in holography. These symmetries are infinite in number and, in a certain basis, organise into a Virasoro x Virasoro algebra with the same central charge as that of the undeformed CFT. I will present a quantum, abstract proof of the existence of these symmetries and three different explicit classical perspectives: Hamiltonian, Lagrangian and holographic. I will then discuss the relationship between the single-trace TTbar deformation and the asymptotically linear dilaton background in string theory, and show that the asymptotic symmetries of this background take an identical form to those of TTbar-deformed CFTs, further strengthening this proposed connection.

07.03.2023 (Tuesday)


Exceptional Seminar Micha Berkooz (Weizmann)

15:30 KCL

02.03.2023 (Thursday)

Carroll, Cotton and Ehlers

Exceptional Seminar Marios Petropoulos (Ecole Polytechnique, CPHT)

15:00 KCL
room K0.16

Carroll geometries emerge as conformal boundaries of asymptotically flat spacetimes and have come to the forefront with the advent of flat holography. I will introduce these tools and show how they are used for unravelling the boundary manifestation of Ehlers' hidden Möbius symmetry present in four-dimensional Ricci-flat spacetimes that enjoy a time-like isometry. This is achieved in a designated gauge, where the three-dimensional Carrollian nature of the null conformal boundary is manifest and covariantly implemented. The action of the Möbius group is local on the space of Carrollian boundary data. Among these data, the Carrollian Cotton tensor plays a prominent role both in the Möbius electric/magnetic duality and for the determination of charges.