
This institute may be found at Strand in Central London, just north of the Thames (map).

Getting to the Strand Campus:

  • By underground

Temple (District and Circle lines): 2 minute walk. Charing Cross (Bakerloo and Northern lines): 10 minute walk, Embankment (District, Circle and Bakerloo lines): 10 minute walk, Waterloo (Jubilee, Northern, Bakerloo, Waterloo & City lines): 12 minute walk, Holborn (Central and Picadilly lines): 12 minute walk,Chancery Lane (Central line): use exit 4 - 15 minute walk.

  • By train

Charing Cross: 9 minute walk. Waterloo: 12 minute walk. Waterloo East: 10 minute walk. Blackfriars: 12 minute walk.

  • By bus

Buses stopping outside the College: 1, 4, 26, 59, 68, 76, X68, 168, 171, 172, 176(24 hour), 188, 243 (24 hour), 341 (24 hour), 521, RV1.

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Seminars at King's College London

Found at least 20 result(s)

17.10.2007 (Wednesday)

Matrix Factorizations, D-branes and Homological Mirror Symmetry

Triangular Seminar Wolfgang Lerche (CERN)

16:00 KCL
room Safron Lect.Th.

We will review in simple terms how mirror symmetry works for general D-brane configurations, and in particular discuss how abstract mathematical concepts can be realized by physical LG models based on matrix factorizations. As for an application of these methods, we will explain how to explicitly compute exact, instanton-corrected effective superpotentials. (Directions to the room can be found on the triangle website

17.10.2007 (Wednesday)

Near-Integrability in 2+1-Dimensional Yang-Mills Theory

Triangular Seminar Peter Orland (City University of New York)

17:30 KCL
room Safron Lect.Th.

Pure Yang-Mills theory (with no matter) in 2+1-dimensions can be thought of as a system of 1+1 integrable field theories coupled together. These theories decouple in an anisotropic limit. This fact makes confinement and the mass gap simple to understand. This is the only analytic approach to this problem which does not rely on strong-coupling assumptions. Exact knowledge of the S-matrix and form factors of these integrable theories can be used to reveal details of the static potential between quarks and the mass spectrum. If a further assumption is made, the isotropic case should also be accessible to this technique.

10.10.2007 (Wednesday)

03.10.2007 (Wednesday)

Exploring 5-dimensional holographic duals to QCD

Regular Seminar Francesco Nitti (Ecole Polytechnique)

13:15 KCL
room 423

20.07.2007 (Friday)

Graded D-branes and skew-categories

Exceptional Seminar Calin Lazaroiu (Trinity College Dublin)

14:00 KCL
room South Range 4, Strand campus

25.04.2007 (Wednesday)

Topology changing transitions in N=4

Triangular Seminar Timothy J. Hollowood (Swansea)

17:30 KCL
room 2C

N=4 SYM is known to have a confinement-deconfinement type phase transition in finite volume as the temperature is raised. This phase transition has been conjectured to smoothly become the Hawking-Page transition between hot AdS space and an AdS black hole as the 't Hooft coupling becomes larger. I show that this phase transition at weak coupling is actually a topology changing transition for the VEVs of the scalar fields and Polyakov loop. This means that the high temperature phase cannot be, as previously thought, the black hole in the dual. I then argue for the existence of a new second order phase transition at a higher temperature to a new phase which has the right symmetries to be identified with the black hole. This is work based on the recent paper hep-th/0703100 with Umut Gursoy, Sean Hartnoll and Prem Kumar.

25.04.2007 (Wednesday)

Some lessons from higher spins

Triangular Seminar Augusto Sagnotti (Pisa)

16:00 KCL
room 2C

20.03.2007 (Tuesday)

Informal Lecture on the Geometric Langlands Correspondence (1 of 2)

Informal Seminar Joerg Teschner (DESY Hamburg)

14:00 KCL
room 423

(the second lecture will be on Wednesday morning)

14.03.2007 (Wednesday)

Bubbling geometries from gauge theories

Regular Seminar Diego Correa (DAMTP)

13:15 KCL
room 423

07.03.2007 (Wednesday)

Twisted tori and (new) string vacua

Regular Seminar Ruben Minasian (Saclay)

13:15 KCL
room 423

28.02.2007 (Wednesday)

Type II actions from 11D Chern-Simons theories

Regular Seminar Dmitriy Belov (Imperial)

13:15 KCL
room 423

This talk continues the discussion of hep-th/0605038, applying the holographic formulation of self-dual theory to the Ramond-Ramond fields of type II supergravity. We formulate the RR partition function, in the presence of nontrivial H-fields, in terms of the wavefunction of an 11-dimensional Chern-Simons theory. Using the methods of hep-th/0605038 we show how to formulate an action principle for the RR fields of both type IIA and type IIB supergravity, in the presence of RR current. We find a new topological restriction on consistent backgrounds of type IIA supergravity, namely the fourth Wu class must have a lift to the H-twisted cohomology.

14.02.2007 (Wednesday)

Sigma Models on Superspaces

Regular Seminar Volker Schomerus (DESY Theory Group)

14:45 KCL
room 341

The solution of 2D Sigma models on superspaces (-groups,-cosets, etc.) is a problem with various potential applications in condensed matter theory and string theory, in particular in the context of the AdS/CFT correspondence. At the example of the PSU(1,1/ 2) sigma model, I shall illustrate some of the intriguing novel features of such theories, review a few recent results and assess the prospects for a complete or partial solution.

07.02.2007 (Wednesday)

Stability and Susy, fake and pseudo

Regular Seminar Paul Townsend (University of Cambridge)

13:15 KCL
room 423

31.01.2007 (Wednesday)

Anti-de Sitter black holes

Regular Seminar Harvey Reall (University of Nottingham)

13:15 KCL
room 423

26.01.2007 (Friday)

Wetting and Minimal Surfaces

Colloquium Costas Bachas (ENS Paris)

16:00 KCL
room 3, south range, Strand campus

The phenomena of capillarity and (partial) wetting have been studied for two centuries, yet they continue to be of great current interest. After a brief historical review, I will discuss some recent results on the associated minimal-surface problem. In conclusion, I will draw some analogies with problems facing present-day string theory.

17.01.2007 (Wednesday)

The dynamics of cosmic superstrings

Regular Seminar Edmund Copeland (University of Nottingham)

13:45 KCL
room 423

07.12.2006 (Thursday)

Open/closed string correspondence and D-brane decay in curved space

Informal Seminar Marco Baumgartl (ETH Zuerich)

12:45 KCL
room 429

Boundary string field theory is an open string field theory which has been originally formulated on a flat target space. In this talk I present recent progress in the study of BSFT in curved space backgrounds. Starting from a factorization property of the associated path-integral, non-local open string couplings can be identified which implement shifts in the closed string background. This generally affects the stability of D-branes, which is analyzed with renormalisation group methods. Evidence for the conjectured flow towards D-branes in curved space is presented for the example of a SU(2) WZW model.

06.12.2006 (Wednesday)

Solitons in ferromagnets

Regular Seminar Paul Sutcliffe (Durham University)

13:15 KCL
room 423

I shall discuss various solitons which are possible in a ferromagnetic medium. Examples include domain walls, magnetic bubbles, vortex rings and Hopf solitons.

29.11.2006 (Wednesday)

Integrability and the AdS/CFT correspondence at large R-charge

Regular Seminar Nick Dorey (DAMTP, Cambridge)

13:15 KCL
room 423

22.11.2006 (Wednesday)

Have modified branes got us spooked?

Regular Seminar Ruth Gregory (Durham University)

12:45 KCL
room 423