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25.01.2024 (Thursday)

Trace Anomalies, RG Flow and Scattering Amplitudes

Regular Seminar Biswajit Sahoo (King's College)

14:00 QMUL
room G.O. Jones 610 and Zoom

I will describe how various vertices and scattering amplitudes, involving background fields, probe trace anomaly coefficients in a four-dimensional (4D) renormalization group (RG) flow. Specifically, I will explain how to couple dilaton and graviton fields to the degrees of freedom of 4D QFT, ensuring the conservation of the Weyl anomaly along the RG flow for the coupled system. By providing dynamics to the dilaton and graviton fields, I will demonstrate that the graviton-dilaton scattering amplitude receives a universal contribution, exhibiting helicity flipping and being proportional to (Δc−Δa) along any RG flow. Here, Δc and Δa represent the differences in the UV and IR CFT c- and a-trace anomalies, respectively. Using a dispersion relation, (Δc−Δa) can be related to spinning massive states in the spectrum of the QFT. We test our proposal through various perturbative examples. Finally, as an application of the proposal of probing the trace anomalies using scattering amplitude, we have derived a non-perturbative bound on the UV CFT a-anomaly coefficient using numerical S-matrix bootstrap program for massive RG flow.