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04.10.2006 (Wednesday)

Counting BPS states

Regular Seminar Bo Feng (Imperial College, London)

13:15 KCL
room 423

We develop a systematic and efficient method of counting single-trace and multi-trace BPS operators with two supercharges, for world-volume gauge theories of N D-brane probes for both large and finite N. The techniques are applicable to generic singularities, orbifold, toric, non-toric, complete intersections, et cetera, even to geometries whose precise field theory duals are not yet known. The so-called Plethystic Exponential provides a simple bridge between the defining equation of the Calabi-Yau, the generating function of single-trace BPS operators and the generating function of multi-trace operators. Mathematically, fascinating and intricate inter-relations between gauge theory, algebraic geometry, combinatorics and number theory exhibit themselves in the form of plethystics and syzygies.

27.10.2005 (Thursday)

Dimer Models and Gauge Theories

Regular Seminar Bo Feng (IC)

15:00 QMW
room 112