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01.02.2007 (Thursday)

N=2 Braine Surgery

Regular Seminar Christian Romelsberger (Trinity Dublin)

13:30 IC
room Huxley 503

I present the generating functions which count the BPS operators in the chiral ring of a N=2 quiver gauge theory that lives on N D3 branes probing an ALE singularity. The difficulty in this computation arises from the fact that this quiver gauge theory has a moduli space of vacua that splits into many branches -- the Higgs, the Coulomb and mixed branches. As a result there can be operators which explore those different branches and the counting gets complicated by having to deal with such operators while avoiding over or under counting. The solution to this problem turns out to be very elegant and is presented in this note. Some surprises with surgery of generating functions arises.

08.12.2004 (Wednesday)

Holographic RG Flows and Duality

Triangular Seminar Christian Romelsberger (Perimeter institute)

15:00 IC
room Huxley Building 503

This talk is part of the joint Triangular Seminars.