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21.04.2022 (Thursday)

Characterization and Classification of Fermionic Symmetry Enriched Phases

Regular Seminar David Aasen (UCSB)

15:00 QMUL
room zoom

Topological phases can be divided into two classes corresponding to whether the microscopic degrees of freedom supporting the phase are purely bosonic (e.g., spins or qubits) or whether they include fermions (e.g., electrons). Imposing a symmetry on a topological phase enriches the classification by restricting and possibly fracturing the phase space. Fermionic topological phases additionally include an underlying fermionic particle of the system, the physical fermion. This talk will present recent results on the algebraic structure and classification of fermionic topological phases with on-site unitary symmetry using G-crossed braided tensor categories. I will emphasize the new obstructions which appear, contrast them with their bosonic counterparts, and provide a complete characterization of all symmetric unobstructed invertible fermionic phases. [for zoom link please contact jung-wook(dot)kim(at)qmul(dot)ac(dot)uk]