Found 8 result(s)

21.05.2024 (Tuesday)

Localization in supergravity

Regular Seminar James Sparks (University of Oxford)

13:30 IC
room Blackett 630

We describe a powerful new technique for computing various physical observables in supergravity, without solving any supergravity equations. Applications include gravitational free energies, black hole entropies, and central charges and other CFT quantities of interest in holography. In the talk I will aim to describe the general idea, and give a flavour of some applications.

28.03.2018 (Wednesday)

Topological AdS/CFT

Regular Seminar James Sparks (Oxford)

13:15 KCL
room K4.31


14.12.2011 (Wednesday)

Gravity duals of supersymmetric gauge theories on curved manifolds

Triangular Seminar James Sparks (Oxford U.)

17:00 IC
room Blackett, LT2

25.03.2010 (Thursday)

M2-branes at hypersurface singularities and their deformations

Regular Seminar James Sparks (Oxford)

14:00 QMW
room E303 Queens Building

I will introduce a family of supersymmetric Chern-Simons-matter theories in d=2+1 dimensions, labelled by a positive integer n, and argue using a number of different dual descriptions that these describe the worldvolume dynamics of M2-branes at a corresponding family of four-fold hypersurface singularities (the n=1 theory being the ABJM theory). The IR properties of these theories and their deformations are also studied.

13.01.2010 (Wednesday)

M2-branes at hypersurface singularities and their deformations

Regular Seminar James Sparks (Oxford)

13:15 KCL
room 423

16.03.2009 (Monday)

AdS/CFT and generalized geometry

String Theory & Geometry Seminar James Sparks (Oxford)

13:00 IC
room IMS seminar room

17.04.2008 (Thursday)

Symmetry-breaking vacua and baryon condensates in AdS/CFT

Regular Seminar James Sparks (Oxford)

14:00 QMW
room 410

14.03.2008 (Friday)

Sasaki-Einstein Geometry.

Regular Seminar James Sparks (Oxford University)

13:30 IC
room 140

Sasakian geometry is the odd-dimensional cousin of Kahler geometry. Although the two are very closely related, there are some interesting differences. I will give an introduction to Sasakian, and in particular Sasaki-Einstein, geometry, and review some of the developments in this subject over the last few years. In particular I'll cover explicit constructions, toric Sasakian geometry, and obstructions. Some of these results also provide new insights into Kahler geometry - for example, I'll describe very simple new obstructions to the existence of Kahler-Einstein metrics on Fano orbifolds.