Found 3 result(s)

12.03.2014 (Wednesday)

Elliptic genera, mock modular forms and applications

Triangular Seminar Jan Troost (ENS Paris)

16:30 IC
room Blackett Lecture Theatre 1

We discuss elliptic genera of supersymmetric two-dimensional conformal field theories with continuous spectra. We argue that they consist of a mock modular term, and a non-holomorphic modular completion. We illustrate the general arguments with a large class of examples, computed using conformal field theory, string theory and localization techniques. We discuss applications, amongst others to black hole physics.

12.11.2008 (Wednesday)

A bound state in a conformal field theory with continuous spectrum and deep throat D-branes

Triangular Seminar Jan Troost (ENS Paris)

16:00 IC
room Lecture Theatre 3

10.03.2005 (Thursday)

Non-rational conformal field theory and holography

Regular Seminar Jan Troost (ENS Paris)

16:00 IC
room H503

We will argue that the cigar conformal field theory SL(2,R)/U(1) is a prime example of a non-rational conformal field theory and we exhibit some of its characteristic features that might generalize to other non-rational conformal field theories. We discuss how this particular non-rational conformal field theory (with or without boundary) arises in string theory backgrounds with NS5-branes, and how the technical advances reached in the conformal field theory can illuminate aspects of holography in these backgrounds.