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16.03.2011 (Wednesday)

Physical properties of p-wave holographic superconductors

Triangular Seminar Johanna Erdmenger (Munich)

15:30 QMW
room UG1 in Physics Building

Recently, considerable progress has been achieved in using gauge/gravity duality for describing strongly coupled systems of relevance for condensed matter physics. In this context, I discuss both top-down approaches and bottom-up approaches to holographic superconductors where the order parameter has p-wave symmetry. In the top-down approach considered, the holographic superconductors are realized in a probe brane construction involving a probe of two D-branes at finite isospin density. The dual field theory is known explicitly. We obtain the thermodynamics, the transport properties and the Fermi surface for these systems. Moreover, we consider bottom-up approaches for p-wave superconductors in which we study the back-reaction of the required SU(2) gauge field on the geometry. We find the phase diagram. A particularly interesting feature of this model is that the shear viscosity over entropy ratio displays non-universal behaviour, it is temperature-dependent at leading order in N and lambda

07.03.2006 (Tuesday)


Regular Seminar Johanna Erdmenger (Max Planck Munich)

14:00 IC
room 503 Huxley