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19.01.2021 (Tuesday)

Extensions to GR: Roadblocks and potential way through

Regular Seminar Luis Lehner (Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics)

13:30 IC
room zoom 871 9223 5980

The search for extensions to GR, has prompted the developments of many potential options which, to varying degrees, have been studied and confronted with observations in special regimes --typically linear ones with respect to rather 'simple' scenarios. Gravitational wave astronomy provides the opportunity to confront them in a much richer and complex regime which unearths significant roadblocks that obstruct the definition and/or study of consequences of many of such extensions. This talk will review some of these problems, illustrate consequences and discuss a potential way through for studying the potential role such extensions might have in the strongly gravitating/non-linear regime. [please email for zoom link or password]