Found 4 result(s)

28.05.2024 (Tuesday)

Microstates of Accelerating and Supersymmetric AdS(4) Black Holes from the Spindle Index

Regular Seminar Seyedmorteza Hosseini (Imperial College London)

14:00 IC
room B1004

I will present a method for deriving the microscopic entropy of a very general class of supersymmetric, rotating, and accelerating black holes in AdS(4). This is achieved by analyzing the large-N limit of the spindle index.

01.02.2024 (Thursday)

From Gravity's Attractive Blocks to Matrix Models and Back

Regular Seminar Morteza Hosseini (Imperial College)

14:00 QMUL
room G.O. Jones 610 and Zoom

The quest to understand the microscopic origins of Bekenstein-Hawking entropy has been a longstanding challenge for physicists. In the context of AdS black holes, this entropy is expected to be explicable in terms of the states of the holographic dual quantum field theory, as per the AdS/CFT framework. In my talk, I will introduce the idea of gluing gravitational blocks for supersymmetric AdS black holes in String/M-theory with arbitrary rotation and generic electric and magnetic charges. This approach provides insights into the large N behavior of the partition function of the corresponding holographic dual field theory. Time permitting, I will also delve into the partition function of the 6d (2, 0) theory on S^2 x M_3, where M_3 is either a three-sphere or S^2 x S^1, and analyse its large N behaviour.

19.10.2021 (Tuesday)

New postdoc introduction

Regular Seminar David Tennyson and Morteza Hosseini (Imperial)

1:30 IC
room B630

Morteza Hosseini: "Microstates of AdS black holes in string theory." I’ll review recent advances of counting black holes microstates in AdS spacetimes. David Tennyson: "Supersymmetric flux backgrounds of string theory." I will review my work on the geometry of supersymmetric flux backgrounds of string theory through generalised geometry. In particular, I will introduce the exceptional complex structure and discuss some applications.

16.12.2020 (Wednesday)

Holography of class F field theories

Regular Seminar Morteza Hosseini (Kavli IPMU)

11:00 IC
room Zoom

I will perform a consistent reduction of 6d matter-coupled F(4) gauged supergravity on a compact Riemann surface of genus g, at the level of the bosonic fields. The result is an N=2 gauged supergravity coupled to two vector multiplets and a single hypermultiplet. The four-dimensional model is holographically dual to the 3d superconformal field theories of class F, describing different brane systems in massive type IIA and IIB wrapped on the Riemann Surface. I will then use the results to find the first examples of dyonic static black holes of class F and perform a microscopic counting of their entropy via the 5d topologically twisted index. I will also find new asymptotically AdS solutions, including rotating black holes, in the subtruncations of the 4d model, providing predictions for the squashed S^3 partition functions and the superconformal and refined twisted indices of class F field theories. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 928 0584 1030 Passcode: 902526