Found 17 result(s)

06.05.2015 (Wednesday)

Superconformal Quantum Mechanics, Integrability and Discrete Light-Cone Quantisation

Regular Seminar Nick Dorey (DAMTP Cambridge)

13:15 KCL
room G.01

I will discuss recent progress in formulating superconformal quantum mechanics models which describe the (2,0) theory and N=4 super Yang-Mills in discrete light-cone quantisation.

25.02.2015 (Wednesday)

Superconformal Quantum Mechanics, Integrability and Discrete Light-Cone Quantisation

Regular Seminar Nick Dorey (DAMTP Cambridge)

13:15 KCL
room G.01

I will discuss recent progress in formulating superconformal quantum mechanics models which describe the (2,0) theory and N=4 super Yang-Mills in discrete light-cone quantisation.

12.12.2012 (Wednesday)

Quiver gauge theories and quantum integrable systems

Regular Seminar Nick Dorey (DAMTP Cambridge)

13:15 KCL
room S4.23

04.12.2012 (Tuesday)


Regular Seminar Nick Dorey (DAMTP)

16:00 City U.
room CG04

11.05.2011 (Wednesday)

Seiberg-Witten Theory and the Bethe ansatz

Exceptional Seminar Nick Dorey (DAMTP)

13:15 KCL
room 423

24.11.2008 (Monday)

Gluons, Spin Chains and String Theory

String Theory & Geometry Seminar Nick Dorey (DAMTP, Cambridge)

13:00 IC
room IMS seminar room

31.05.2007 (Thursday)

Singularities of the Magnon S-matrix

Regular Seminar Nick Dorey (DAMTP, Cambridge)

14:00 QMW
room 112

29.11.2006 (Wednesday)

Integrability and the AdS/CFT correspondence at large R-charge

Regular Seminar Nick Dorey (DAMTP, Cambridge)

13:15 KCL
room 423

27.11.2006 (Monday)

Integrability in gauge theory and string theory VI

Regular Seminar Nick Dorey (Cambridge/Imperial Maths Institute)

13:00 IC
room Maths Institute seminar room

In these lectures, I will introduce the concept of integrability and study its realisation in the context of gauge theory and string theory. In particular, I plan to review recent progress in computing the spectrum of operator dimensions in N=4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory and the dual problem of determining the spectrum of string theory on AdS5 x S5.

20.11.2006 (Monday)

Integrability in gauge theory and string theory V

Regular Seminar Nick Dorey (Cambridge/Imperial Maths Institute)

13:00 IC
room Maths Institute seminar room

In these lectures, I will introduce the concept of integrability and study its realisation in the context of gauge theory and string theory. In particular, I plan to review recent progress in computing the spectrum of operator dimensions in N=4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory and the dual problem of determining the spectrum of string theory on AdS5 x S5.

13.11.2006 (Monday)

Integrability in gauge theory and string theory IV

Regular Seminar Nick Dorey (Cambridge/Imperial Maths Institute)

13:00 IC
room Maths Institute seminar room

In these lectures, I will introduce the concept of integrability and study its realisation in the context of gauge theory and string theory. In particular, I plan to review recent progress in computing the spectrum of operator dimensions in N=4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory and the dual problem of determining the spectrum of string theory on AdS5 x S5.

06.11.2006 (Monday)

Integrability in gauge theory and string theory III

Regular Seminar Nick Dorey (Cambridge/Imperial Maths Institute)

15:00 IC
room 503 Huxley

In these lectures, I will introduce the concept of integrability and study its realisation in the context of gauge theory and string theory. In particular, I plan to review recent progress in computing the spectrum of operator dimensions in N=4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory and the dual problem of determining the spectrum of string theory on AdS5 x S5.

30.10.2006 (Monday)

Integrability in gauge theory and string theory II

Regular Seminar Nick Dorey (Cambridge/Imperial Maths Institute)

13:00 IC
room Maths Institute seminar room

In these lectures, I will introduce the concept of integrability and study its realisation in the context of gauge theory and string theory. In particular, I plan to review recent progress in computing the spectrum of operator dimensions in N=4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory and the dual problem of determining the spectrum of string theory on AdS5 x S5.

23.10.2006 (Monday)

Integrability in gauge theory and string theory I

Regular Seminar Nick Dorey (Cambridge/Imperial Maths Institute)

13:00 IC
room Maths Institute seminar room

This the first of a series of lectures in which I will introduce the concept of integrability and study its realisation in the context of gauge theory and string theory. In particular, I plan to review recent progress in computing the spectrum of operator dimensions in N=4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory and the dual problem of determining the spectrum of string theory on AdS5 x S5.

17.11.2004 (Wednesday)

Exploring the universality class of N=1 SUSY Yang-Mills

Triangular Seminar Nick Dorey (DAMTP)

15:00 QMW
room UG1

This talk is part of the joint Triangular Seminars

03.06.2004 (Thursday)

A new deconstruction of little string theory

Regular Seminar Nick Dorey (University of Wales at Swansea)

16:30 IC
room H503

20.02.2004 (Friday)

S-duality, Deconstruction and Confinement for marginal deformations of N eq 4 SUSY Yang-Mills

Regular Seminar Nick Dorey (University of Wales Swansea)

14:00 QMW
room 112