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29.03.2022 (Tuesday)

Putting spin into black hole binaries

Regular Seminar Patricia Schmidt (University of Birmingham)

14:00 QMUL
room Online

Please email for zoom link. Abstract: To date, gravitational waves from tens of merging stellar-mass black holes have been observed. These observations provide us with a unique opportunity to probe the fundamental properties of astrophysical black holes. The precise measurement of the masses and spins of black holes is particularly crucial to determine the evolutionary pathways of these binaries. This requires, however, highly accurate theoretical models of the emitted gravitational-wave signal. The signal complexity grows with the number of degrees of freedom and the accurate modelling general-relativistic spin-induced precession has proven to be challenging. In this talk, I will first discuss the current approaches to modelling waveforms from precessing black hole binaries. I will then demonstrate the limitations and how they translate into systematic measurement uncertainties.