Found 2 result(s)
Regular Seminar Sungjay Lee (DAMTP, Cambridge)
at: 14:00 room B741 abstract: | I will present the exact computation of the two-dimensional supersymmetric theories on two-sphere using the localization techniques. I will then apply these new results to study type II string compactifications (with emphasis on the exact Kaehler potential of quantum Kaehler moduli of Calabi-Yau geometry and mirror symmetry) and non-rational CFTs. |
Regular Seminar Sungjay Lee (DAMTP Cambridge)
at: 13:15 room S4.23 abstract: | Instantons and W-bosons in 5d N=2 Yang-Mills theory arise from a circle compactification of the 6d (2,0) theory as Kaluza-Klein modes and winding self-dual strings, respectively. We study an index which counts BPS instantons with electric charges in Coulomb and symmetric phases. We first prove the existence of unique threshold bound state of U(1) instantons for any instanton number. By studying SU(N) self-dual strings in the Coulomb phase, we find novel momentum-carrying degrees on the worldsheet. The total number of these degrees equals the anomaly coefficient of SU(N) (2,0) theory. We finally propose that our index can be used to study the symmetric phase of this theory, and provide an interpretation as the superconformal index of the sigma model on instanton moduli space. |