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02.03.2009 (Monday)

Instanton Floer Homology for Sutured Manifolds

String Theory & Geometry Seminar Tom Mrowka (MIT)

13:00 IC
room IMS seminar room

In some recent work with Kronheimer we have carried over a version of Juhasz' Heegaard Floer Homology for sutured three manifolds to Instanton Floer Homology. This leads to amongst over things a streamlined proofs of property P for all knots and that symplectic manifolds have non-vanishing Donaldson invariants.

04.06.2007 (Monday)

Knot homologies via singular instantons

String Theory & Geometry Seminar Tom Mrowka (MIT)

13:30 IC
room Maths institute seminar room

I will discuss some work in progress with Peter Kronheimer on a variant of Floer's instanton homology dealing with connections that are singular along codimension two submanifolds. As observed by Kronheimer earlier there are some interesting relations with Khovanov homology.