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19.05.2016 (Thursday)

d-Dimensional Generalised Unitarity and Colour-Kinematics duality

Regular Seminar William Javier Torres Bobadilla (Padua U.)

14:00 QMW
room G.O. Jones 610

In this talk I plan to introduce the Four-Dimensional-Formulation (FDF) regularisation scheme proposed in arXiv:1404.4783 [hep-ph], which allows a four-dimensional representation of the d-dimensional particles propagating in the loop. Within FDF, I present the computation of one-loop QCD corrections of the processes gg>>gggg and gg>>Hggg (in the heavy top limit). On the other hand, I show the extension of Colour-Kinematics relations in d-dimensions and their application to compute efficiently one-loop amplitudes.