Regular Seminar Daniele Dorigoni (DAMTP, Cambridge)
at: 14:00 room H503 abstract: | I will review the concept of Borel transform and resurgence behavior for the perturbative expansion of generic physical observables presenting particular examples coming from quantum mechanics and supersymmetric localized QFT. I will then discuss more in details the physical role of non-perturbative saddle points of path integrals in theories without instantons, using the example of the asymptotically free two-dimensional principal chiral model (PCM). Standard topological arguments based on homotopy considerations suggest no role for non-perturbative saddles in such theories. However, resurgence theory, unifying perturbative and non-perturbative physics, predicts the existence of several types of non-perturbative saddles associated with features of the large-order structure of perturbation theory. These points are illustrated in the PCM, where we found new non-perturbative fractionalized saddle point field configurations, and give a quantum interpretation of previously discovered `uniton’ unstable classical solutions. |