23.10.2023 (Monday)

Lonti: Supergravity a la Fin de Siecle

Regular Seminar Neil Lambert (KCL)

10:30 Other
room LIMS

In these lectures we will provide a basic introduction to Supergravity as it arises in String Theory and M-Theory. We will start by introducing vielbeins and spin connections in order to construct supergravity actions. In the second lecture we will briefly introduce the maximal supergravity theories in ten and eleven-dimensions. We will briefly discuss special holonomy manifolds, explicitly construct BPS p-brane solutions and prove their non-perturbative stability. Time permitting we will discuss toroidal compactifications and U-duality. I will assume basic MSc level material (Riemannian geometry, fermions and rigid supersymmetry). The lecture notes that will be provided are largely self-contained but the text book “Supergravity” by Freedman and van Proeyen contains more details. This time, there will be two lectures (one in the morning and one in the afternoon), with pizza lunch in between them.