25.10.2023 (Wednesday)

Integrable Quantum Field Theories Perturbed by Irrelevant Operators

Regular Seminar Olalla Castro Alvaredo (City University of London)

14:00 IC
room Huxley 503

In this talk I will review recent results co-authored with Stefano Negro, Fabio Sailis and István Szécsényi. In this project we have addressed the problem of how to compute correlation functions in integrable quantum field theories perturbed by irrelevant perturbations such as the operator TTbar. It has been known for some time that integrability is preserved under such perturbations even though the S-matrix is modified by a CDD factor. Therefore, it is natural to expect that matrix elements of local fields may be computed by employing the standard form factor program, which was developed for integrable quantum field theories in the 70s. By doing so we have found that the form factors of local and semi-local fields have a universal structure which we have identified. This gives rise to correlation functions with distinct convergence/divergence properties, depending on the sign of the perturbation. In the convergent regime we find that the correlation functions scale as power-laws at short distances, similar to standard integrable quantum field theories, but with powers that are no longer the conformal dimensions of some field. At the heart of our construction is a function called the minimal form factor, whose structure I will discuss in some detail.