08.12.2023 (Friday)

Entanglement bootstrap for gapped topological phases II

Regular Seminar Bowen Shi (UCSD)

16:00 QMUL
room Zoom

In the 2nd lecture, we dig into the underlying logic of entanglement bootstrap. Illustrative examples are aimed to be simple but nontrivial. The following will be included: (1) We explain a few basic uses of strong subadditivity and quantum Markov states; we explain why axiom A0 is crucial to protect coherence. We derive the information convex set of the sphere as an application. (2) Related to the information convex set of the annulus, we explain the definition of quantum dimensions, why the vacuum has the smallest entropy, and why a certain "merged state" has the maximum entropy. (3) We classify immersed annuli on a sphere and explain why some puzzles of figure-8 annulus are not solved in naive ways. (4) In the context the reference state has a 0-form symmetry, we sketch a way to create a symmetry defect line, which (in some models) permutes anyons. This lecture is given using an ipad and is, thus, flexible. We also discuss topics from questions (feedbacks) during the 1st (and 2nd) lecture. See https://www.london-tqft.co.uk for details.