18.01.2024 (Thursday)

Gravitational Waves from Worldline Quantum Field Theory

Regular Seminar Gustav Mogull (Humboldt U.)

14:00 QMUL
room G.O. Jones 610 and Zoom

I will discuss our recent calculations of the observables involved in the scattering of two black holes or neutron stars at fourth post-Minkowskian order (three loops) using the Worldline Quantum Field Theory (WQFT) framework. These 4PM observables now include both spin-orbit and adiabatic tidal corrections — inclusion of the latter necessitates a renormalization of the underlying classical effective field theory (EFT). I will also explain how the Effective-One-Body (EOB) may be used to resum the observables, and provide input data for future-generation gravitational waveform models.