25.04.2024 (Thursday)

From Correlators to massive amplitudes in N = 4 SYM

Regular Seminar Frank Coronado (ETH Zurich)

14:00 QMUL
room G. O. Jones 610 and Zoom

In planar N=4 SYM, massless scattering amplitudes are dual to null polygonal Wilson loops (T-duality) or the same as the four-dimensional null limit of stress-tensor correlators. I will present a (conjectured) generalization of this duality which equates correlators of determinant operators, in a special ten-dimensional null limit, with massive scattering amplitudes in the Coulomb branch of N=4. This determinant operator is a generating function of all half-BPS single-traces operators. By taming it on twistor space I will show its correlators have ten dimensional poles which combine 4d space-time and 6d R-charge kinematics.