05.06.2024 (Wednesday)

Pedagogical Introduction to Geometric Langlands and its Generalizations via Gauge and String Theory, 3 of 4

Colloquium Mengchwan Tan (NUS, Singapore)

11:00 Other
room LIMS, Royal Institution

TITLE: Braverman-Finkelberg Generalization of Geometric Langlands Duality in String Theory ABS: Braverman-Finkelberg considered a generalization of the geometric Satake isomorphism to involve not Lie but Kac-Moody groups, and in so doing, arrived at a formulation of geometric Langlands duality which involves not complex curves, but complex surfaces. Specifically, the formulation relates the intersection cohomology of the moduli space of G-instantons on orbifold complex surfaces, to modules of a Langlands-dual affine Lie algebra with level determined by the order of the singularity. We will furnish a string/M-theoretic derivation of their mathematical conjecture.