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Regular Seminar Jack Holguin (University of Manchester)
at: 14:00 room G O Jones 610 abstract: | TeV hadron colliders provide the backbone for modern day particle physics. As a consequence, understanding QCD radiation is a vital step in linking theory with experiment. Over the last few decades a semi-classical treatment of radiation has been hugely successful; particularly the treatment given by Monte-Carlo event generators. However, as experiments demand greater precession, the traditional approaches struggle to keep up. Recently focus has been given to fully quantum approaches to QCD radiation by working directly with amplitudes rather than semi-classical probabilities. In my talk I will give an introduction to the current semi-classical approaches and where they fail. I'll then discuss some of the amplitude level techniques that are being developed. The amplitude techniques have broad application. I will give a case study of how these techniques can be used to elucidate coherence violation in QCD. |