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14.02.2024 (Wednesday)

Vacua in locally de Sitter cosmologies, and how to distinguish them

Regular Seminar Jorma Louko (Nottingham U.)

14:00 KCL
room S0.12

de Sitter spacetime admits distinct Friedmann-Robertson-Walker foliations with cosh, sinh and exponential time evolution laws. In three or more spacetime dimensions, these foliations have respectively positive, negative and vanishing spatial curvature. In two spacetime dimensions, by contrast, there is no spatial curvature, and all three evolution laws allow spatial sections with S^1 topology and a freely specifiable spatial circumference parameter. We identify geometrically preferred quantum states for a massive scalar field on these locally de Sitter 1+1 cosmologies, some singled out by adiabatic criteria, others induced from the Euclidean vacuum by a quotient construction. We show how a comoving quantum observer, modelled as an Unruh-DeWitt detector, can distinguish these states by local measurements. (Joint work with Vladimir Toussaint, 2304.10395)