Found 3 result(s)
Regular Seminar Sergio Benvenuti (INFN, Trieste)
at: 14:00 room S0.12 abstract: | 3d mirror symmetry for theories with eight supercharges is understood in terms of Hanany-Witten brane setups and plays an important role in many areas of supersymmetric qft’s. The generalization to theories with four supercharges, in the non-Abelian case, has been a long standing open problem. In this talk, based on work with Riccardo Comi and Sara Pasquetti, we focus on brane setups with NS and D5’ branes, proposing that the related quiver gauge theories involve ‘improved bifundamentals’, that is strongly coupled SCFT's which are ancestors of the well known T[SU(N)] theories. Our proposal leads to 3d mirror dualities that can be exactly proven, reducing them to known Seiberg-like dualities. This gives strong support to the proposal. The simplest example is the duality between adjoint SQCD with F flavors, and a quiver with F-1 nodes and F-2 improved bifundamentals. |
Regular Seminar Sergio Benvenuti (Imperial)
at: 13:15 room 423 abstract: | In 2009 there has been progress in understanding and classifying the set of four dimensional field theories with N=2 SUSY. These models arise as M5 branes wrapped over a Riemann surface. We review this construction and describe a five dimensional point of view, using (p,q)-webs of 5branes in Type IIB string theory. This point of view makes many properties of the theories explicit. We will also touch on the AGT correspondence, that associates a 2-dimensional CFT, similar to the Liouville CFT, to the protected sector of four dimensional N=2 models. |
String Theory & Geometry Seminar Sergio Benvenuti (Scuola Normale Superiore Pisa)
at: 13:30 room Ballroom, 58 Princes Gate abstract: |