Week 25.11.2024 – 01.12.2024

Tuesday (26 Nov)


Regular Seminar Tessa Baker (Portsmouth)

14:30 IC
room H503


Wednesday (27 Nov)

Entropy in gravitational von Neumann algebras

Regular Seminar Antony Speranza (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign)

14:00 KCL
room K3.11

Entanglement entropy in quantum field theory is UV-divergent, which makes it a challenging quantity to analyze from an algebraic perspective. In this talk, I will describe how perturbatively coupling to gravity improves this situation, resulting in a well-defined notion of renormalized entropy in the semiclassical limit. This entropy is constructed using techniques from the theory of von Neumann algebras, and agrees with the generalized entropy of a subregion, consisting of the sum of the quantum field entanglement entropy and the area of the entangling surface. As an application, I will show how to derive the generalized second law for black hole horizons in terms of this renormalized entropy. Time permitting, I will also discuss a construction of a gravitational von Neumann algebra in a slow-roll inflation background, and describe how the background provides an intrinsic notion of a cosmological observer.

Thursday (28 Nov)

Finite classical observables from amplitudes and the emergent worldline

Regular Seminar Mao Zeng (University of Edinburgh)

14:00 QMUL
room 610

The rapid advance in gravitational wave detectors has spurred renewed interest in the two-body problem in general relativity. Two perturbative approaches based on quantum field theory have emerged, one based on scattering amplitudes and the other based on worldlines. We argue that the two approaches are equivalent at an intimate level. By systematic algebraic manipulations through the Schwinger parametrization, the loop integrand in the Kosower-Maybe-O'Connell formalism based on wavepacket scattering becomes identical to the counterpart in the worldline QFT formalism of Mogull et al., as shown explicitly for a simple scalar model as well as electrodynamics at two loops. This makes manifest the cancellations of superclassical divergences and exhibits the emergence of the worldline picture including the classical causality flow.